Setting Denture Teeth, Mistake 1

Let's avoid a classic mistake. Some students feel they should set the maxillary and the mandibular teeth on the crest of the ridge. I know it is logical but it is half wrong and can't be done unless you are setting the teeth in crossbite.

When the teeth are lost, there is a loss of alveolar bone on the buccal of the maxilla and the lingual of the mandible. The ridge crest moves buccally on the mandible and lingually on the maxilla. You have to move the maxillary denture teeth buccal to the maxillary ridge crest to compensate for this change.

So do NOT draw any line on this new crest of the maxillary ridge. It will only confuse you. (Never draw anything on the master cast except on the land area.)

However, you should be sensitized to what is now the crest of the mandibular ridge. This is where the central fossa of the mandibular posterior teeth will be placed. (This is ONE of the RULEs for setting denture teeth.)

Students set teeth on the lip or on the palate to make it look like a class I relationship. You can't set the teeth where it's convenient. You have to set the teeth where they grew (almost).

1981 Board Question
Speech difficulties related to complete dentures can be avoided by

1. moving the maxillary incisors anteriorly.
2. moving the maxillary incisors posteriorly.
3. placing the artificial teeth as close as possible to the position of the natural teeth.
4. Thickening the denture base on the palate immediately behind the incisors.

Click for the Answer

We are not going to incorporate a Curve of Wilson or Spee with flat plane teeth. (Of course if you felt it would improve the denture, you could.)

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©1999 by Julius Rosen, D.D.S.